12 Jul

1. The parts of the Pomeranian are ready to needle felt together.

2. Such a tiny dog can be difficult to hold.
Flat pliers are used here to grip the wool whilst needle felting the head into place.

3. Four tan wool legs are implanted into the body, they are all the correct length.
Dark wool is added to the outside top of the legs and blended in with a fine felting needle.

4. Ears are needle felted into the head and fur is built up around the neck and body. A tail is added.

5. Tan markings complete the face and chest

6. The little Pom is finished and no bigger than a thumb nail.
The wispy wool, colour and size make this little dog very difficult to photograph.
The next dog will be so much easier, its a greyhound. You will also notice the difference in size and I’m hoping to get the scale correct.

Next Wednesday - Greyhound week

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